
Cancelation policy:

I require 24 hrs notice if you need to cancel or change your appointment or class except in the event of covid 19 close contact or symptoms

Covid 19 Policy :

Due to COVID 19 and Flu and to keep others safe please practice good hand hygiene before your appointment.

*Please note before booking that I kindly request clients let me know if they are unwell to reduce covid and flu transmission as I treat elderly and immune compromised clients .

Thank you for your understanding .

Please Note

The information provided on loving mother healing and wellness social media, advertising material , or in treatments and on the loving mother healing and wellness website are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical or clinical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Never disregard professional medical or clinical advice, or delay in seeking it, because of something you have read or seen here or obtained during consult or treatment. Never rely on information here or from Loving mother healing and wellness in place of seeking professional medical or clinical advice.

Loving mother healing and wellness is not responsible or liable for your interpretation of this material or advice given , Miranda is not a doctor or therapist. You are encouraged to consult with your doctor or therapist with regard to this information contained here, given during treatment or consult, or any of your concerns . After reading articles, watching videos or reading other content from loving mother healing and wellness or talking with Miranda , you are encouraged to review the information carefully with your professional healthcare provider.