What Do You Learn in a Reiki Healing Course?
Reiki is a form of energy healing that's been around for over 100 years. It's simple and natural, and it can help with stress and pain relief. In this article, we'll cover what you learn in a Reiki healing course. Komyo ReikiDo is a simple and direct form of Reiki Ryoho, and many people who receive treatments want to learn more about it for themselves. So, if you’re considering booking Reiki healing courses, read on to discover what you’ll learn.
Understand the history of Reiki
The history of Reiki healing is fascinating. Reiki Ryoho was founded by Mikao Usui Sensei in 1922 in Japan, and Komyo ReikiDo was developed later by Sensei Inamoto Hyakuten, also in Japan. While reiki healing courses are much more than a history lesson, you’ll be encouraged to learn about the practice’s origins and develop a deeper appreciation for it.
The 4 levels of Reiki
During your reiki healing course, you’ll quickly learn that there are 4 levels of Komyo Reiki. Below is a snapshot of what you learn in each, and what you can do with these skills once obtained.
Level 1 (Shoden)
During Level 1, you receive a history of Reiki Ryoho, techniques for self-care and well-being, and learn the basic principles of Reiki healing. Most importantly, you receive 4 Reiju (attunements) that allow you to connect to the healing energy of Reiki. You will learn how to apply healing techniques to others, but it is not recommended you practice professionally until you have studied Level 2.
Level 2 (Chuden)
Here is where you’ll learn 3 new symbols and also receive 4 attunements. You’ll also learn about reiki distance healing techniques. You’re given plenty of time to practice, and you also gain knowledge on what’s required to be a Reiki practitioner.
Level 3 (Okuden)
During Level 3 you’ll receive 2 attunements and also learn the 4th symbol. Overall, this level is designed to deepen your understanding of Reiki as a way of life, and also how to increase your Reiki energy level. There are post-course requirements before advancing to the next level, specifically having an established Reiki practice and a year must pass between Levels 3 and 4.
Level 4 (Shinpiden)
At level 4, your lifelong journey with Reiki really begins. This is essentially where you can become a teacher by conducting Reiju and attuning others to Reiki.
Receiving Reiju (attunements)
Attunements are a key part of the reiki healing process. They are an important step in learning how to use your reiki abilities, and only a reiki teacher can give them to you. Attunements help you connect with your higher self, which allows for greater connection between yourself and others during healing sessions.
As you’ll see above, attunements are shared throughout the process of learning Reiki, whether you want to be a teacher or you simply want to become an expert to offer reiki healing treatments to others.
You'll learn about the symbols and signs of Reiki
The Reiki symbols and signs are sacred, so you need to treat them with respect. They can be used during a treatment to channel energy from your hands into the person receiving the healing. You can also use symbols for distant healing. By tracing symbols in the air above or around an object or person, you can send Reiki energy without actually touching that person or object directly.
Learning more about the symbols and signs associated with reiki is all part of the journey, and is, in essence, the practical side of Reiki that allows you to perform healing treatments.
You'll learn how to give reiki treatments
Naturally, a key focus of learning reiki is understanding how to administer treatment. In the early levels, you’ll learn how to use reiki for yourself as a means of healing and balancing your energy. However, as you move through the levels, you’ll be able to give treatments to others. Starting with family and friends, you can work up to offering Reiki healing treatment to members of the public.
You'll also learn how to provide reiki distance healing, and if you want to progress further, you can even become a teacher.
Want to book reiki healing courses?
Reiki is a powerful healing tool that can help you and your loved ones. The best way to learn about it is by taking an introductory course, where you'll learn all about the history and practice of Reiki along with how to use this energy in your own life. Loving Mother Healing and Wellness in Ferntree Gully, Victoria provides reiki courses online, as well as in person. If you’d like to learn more, contact us or make a booking today.